Posts in identity + narrative

My Grandmother would entertain us with her stories. Some evenings, at our urging, she would recite
The Spell of the Yukon by Robert Service, the sad improbable tales of Sam McGee and Dan McGrew.
There were lessons in the lyrics.

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"What We Want"

As a graduate student in French literature, I have done my fair share of translation and understand that word for word translations often miss the intended meaning and there isn't always an exact equivalent word in the other language. More often there's a cultural or emotional shading that asks for thoughtful interpretation of meaning rather than a simple translation.

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Little Moccasins

Nearly every weekday evening after dinner, my brother, Jimmy, and I would do dishes and homework with the help of our maternal grandmother. She was the one who quizzed us on spelling, arithmetic, and things like state capitols. Having gone to school when memorization was key to learning, she was the rote memory queen.

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Listen for the Lexicon

Curiously, even the most seemingly inarticulate people say intriguing things.  If you listen, really listen.  Organizations, and here I am referring to those I know best, design firms, will have the most banal descriptions on their website and in other materials. Worse, they will have hired someone to write copy and then it’s over the top, inflated and basically not credible.  But it should not be that way.

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Why We Write

In 1996 Bill Gates wrote an essay titled "Content is king." Fast forward 20+ years and content's expanding kingdom means more and more of us are called on to write. But why are we writing? What story are we trying to tell? Asked to address these questions by the marketing team a large engineering firm, I gathered my thoughts.

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